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We're fully independent.
We are not tied to any product provider, which means that we're not restricted in the advice that we give to you. We can search the whole of the market, on a totally impartial basis, to find the most suitable solution for you.
What we will do for you...
We will tailor our service to take account of your preferences, and how you wish to be communicated with. Prefer in-person meetings to Zoom? That's fine, we work around you and not the other way around.
We will take the time to clearly explain and ensure that you truly understand the recommendations that we are making to you.
You will always deal with David as your point of contact. We understand that this job is an inherently personal one, and we value the trust that you place in us highly. If you have a problem, or a question, it is David that you will be dealing with and not a call centre. We will get it sorted.
You will receive a prompt response, within 48 hours during the working week, to any query that you have.
What we will never do...
We will never accept a commission from a third party product provider. If we ever receive a commission in respect of a recommendation that we have made to you (e.g. for an insurance policy) - we will always rebate this back to you, it is your money.
We will never charge additional fees over and above the annual retainer. The fee is the fee, and this fee encompasses all of the work that we will do for you on an ongoing basis.
We will never needlessly complicate, what doesn't need to be complicated. Complexity usually equals cost, and we aren't fans of that here.
We will never ignore a ringing phone.
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